Writing. Art. Feminism.
Short stories and articles in:
Bellevue Literary Review
Picador Australia's #MeToo anthology
ABC Australia
Zora Magazine
Hindustan Times and more...
Reader's Voice
...the raconteur of Rashmi Patel's All the Known Territories turns her body into an impenetrable fort to cope with inherited trauma.
Doris W. Cheng, Associate Fiction Editor for BLR
Rashmi Patel's “Who's Afraid of Hindi?” is a shining exception.
Linda Javin in The Saturday Paper
Mercy is a tender story that focusses on the work done by migrant women in the healthcare industry in Australia.
Meeta Chatterjee Padmanabhan, Editor, Stories of Indian Origin
My Story
Born and brought up in Ahmedabad, India, I have been in search of my true home for more than two decades. They say the very thing you are looking for lies within you. Even so, isn't it worth going on a quest to find the most suitable place to perform this self-surgery? In the space between this desperation for definitives and the ache of never arriving lie the wonders of story-telling and art-making.
I now find myself in New Jersey, having recently left behind a decade of life in Melbourne, Australia. Prior to that, I called Bangalore and Singapore home at various points along my journey. Each place has shaped my perspective and storytelling. So, here I am, paying off my karmic debt in words and marks.